Star Trek and Sex Positivity aka to boldly go where no one has gone before!

    At some point in life you may have had to sit in on the age old argument; Star Wars or Star Trek, which one is better?  There are people who will pick Star Wars I mean who could blame them, with all the marketing and advertising they do for their series and projects.  Yet, at the same there are people who pick Star Trek, because it's an older franchise with a well expanded universe along with its own timeless and memorable movies and TV series too.  Personally I feel like why not both, cause they are very different from each other (despite the fact I think Star Trek is better hahaha).  However, as I lay in bed something just popped in my mind.  Star Trek is VERY Sex Positive!!


    Ever since its inception in 1966, this franchise has been a staple in the science fiction community!  I feel like the reason why is because it gives us a world where people can be accepted regardless of your gender identity, sexuality, or race!  Anyone and EVERYONE is welcomed into this world.  In fact there is a joke amongst my friends my friends where we refer to this franchise as gay space socialism haha!  But, if you read the title you can see we are here for a different reason so lets dive further into this topic!

    The main story of Star Trek is that you have a crew on a Starship exploring new worlds as well as meeting and interacting with different aliens.  Now each series is different as some may not be exploring as much, or some might be trying to solve a problem that affects the universe as a whole, but one thing that is present is the fact that sex is very different!  You have different alien species who interact and function differently than humans.  As a result you have some very unique cases when it comes to people becoming physically intimate.


    Vulcans are super unique!  They are stronger than humans, telepathic, they have green blood, and if they do not mate once every 7 years as an adult they will die!  Vulcans have a ritual called Pon Farr in which every 7 years the have a neurochemical imbalance that can take on a form of madness and if they do not have sex, they could die.  This is very unique because, Vulcans are very logical creatures who do their best to hide any if not all emotions; the fact that not having sex during this period can kill them is by far a very interesting concept!  Yet, they are not limited every 7 years, Vulcans can have sex outside of that cycle, they just need to make sure they have their partner or partners near them when it is time.

    Klingon's are a warrior race of aliens who takes battle and honor seriously!  Their empire is very militaristic as each citizen is expected to die in battle or live a long and honorable life.  With that being said, they are a very kinky race of aliens who enjoy sex!  They do not suffer from Pon Farr like the Vulcans.  However, they do need trips to the infirmary after having sex.....that's not a joke, Klingon Sex is a physically taxing activity.  An example of this would be foreplay; we as human engage in foreplay, while Klingons engage in combative foreplay, which sounds brutal, painful, hot, and exciting!  After sex, you can see Klingons getting treated for bruises, fractures and torn ligaments, etc.  Klingon's know how to get down!


     Remember when I said Klingon's were Kinky?  Well so are the Orion's, I mean when your whole society is practically structured around BDSM in a sense, that really does say something!  Orion's are tough, ruthless and occasionally pirates.  However, their society is structured around a Dominant/Submissive kind of order.  Orion women and release a certain pheromone to hypnotize and entice men, and as a result they are the ones who are usually running society while the men follow their lead.  Even humans cannot resist Orion women as the moment they get a whiff, they are under their control.  Now, there are instances where some Orion women lack the ability to produce said pheromone, but still it is super interesting on how it affects different people and aliens as a whole.

    If I could be any alien race from Star Trek, I would definitely be a Betazoid!  They may look similar to humans, but internally they are VERY different.  Betazoid women went through a unique form or menopause!  When they went through it, their sex drive is quadrupled!  During that period they are nothing but sexual, usually going after anyone they can, but it gets even crazier when Zanthi fever comes into play!  Imagine unintentionally projecting your emotions and feeling onto those around you, that is Zanthi fever!  A Betazoid theoretically could turn the house of representatives into a orgy!  This is not an exaggeration, this is a fact; plus I feel like I should mention that a traditional Betazoid wedding requires EVERYONE be nude!

    What if I told you that in the world of Star Trek, that there was an entire planet dedicated to sex?  With that being said, welcome to the planet Risa, a beautiful resort planet made for relaxation and sexual pleasure!  Many people love to take a vacation there due to how open the planet can be.  The main rule is absolutely no weapons which is a good trade off cause you want to have fun instead of worrying who is going to attack you.  Now, while there, some people will have a horga'hn statue near them so they can get Jamaharon; maybe I should say that again, but in words everyone can understand yes?  They get a statue that represents fertility and sexuality, and by displaying it, it lets people know that they are game for sex!  It avoids the whole awkward conversations of "Do you want to hook up or not" and basically lets people know that they are down to clown.

    Ok I want to introduce to you all Starfleet Science Officer of Starbase Deep Space 9, Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax!  Jadzia is extremely fluid as a human or should I say Trill!  You see, she is apart of an alien race called the Trill, their bodies house a parasitic being known as a symbiote.  When the trill dies, their symbiote will be surgically removed and placed into a new host.  But everything they went through including memories and experiences, is passed on to the next host via the symbiote!  The Dax symbiote has been through many different people.  As a result,  Dax has been man, a woman, a mother, a husband, a wife, a serial killer, and more!  Because of having all these experiences in her, Jadzia's sexuality is super fluid as she does not really care about things like gender making her very pansexual!  Plus she has no shame in enjoying in many different pleasures of life.  Part of that can be attributed to her previous host Curzon Dax who was known to being romantically involved with a new person every week.  Mind you he lived past the age of 100 still doing that; and when he died every experience he went through and felt was transferd to the Dax symbiote and transferred to Jadzia greatly shaping who she became!  Oh and in case you were wondering Curzon died on Risa trying to get some Jamaharon!



    To the left you see respected Starfleet Officer Captain Philippa Georgiou to the right, you see the ruthless leader of the Terran Empire Emperor Philippa Georgiou!  These are not the same literally they are 2 EXTREMELY different people!  Star Trek has introduced something called the mirror universe!  A world where facisim took over and humans literally became the worse species in the entire galaxy.  In the mirror universe there is a polar opposite of everyone down to the personality.  That is where Emperor Georgiou comes into play; while the original Georgiou was a kind and caring person, Emperor Georgiou was cruel and downright evil at times.  However, it should be known she really loved sex.  She was known for enjoying men and women....sometimes at the same time!  She had male and female Orions who "serviced her" and taught them new things too!  Plus I just want to make it known that Michelle Yeoh is an extremely beautiful woman!

    See what I mean, sex is a constant thing in the world of Star Trek!  People get busy and it isn't discriminated upon!  There are people who want to be sexually active, there are some who enjoy pain while having sex, and then you got people who structure their society and culture around it!  But here's the thing, no one throws a fit over it!  In fact the idea of exploring your sexuality is heavily encouraged! Regardless of how you turn out, it is accepted and you aren't treated differently!

    You're probably sitting here wondering what do you do with this information?  Well I can think of a few things; for one you can take this as a chance to explore and express yourself as well as learn what it is that you like and enjoy and go from there.  You can work and advocate for sex positivity!  No one should be discriminated based on their sexuality or gender identity!  Everyone deserves a right to be and feel happy; as long as they are with consenting adults there should be zero problem!  Finally, you can watch Star Trek!  Seriously, it's a scifi show about being peaceful, exploring space, humanity being better than they are currently giving us hope for the future and with sex!


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