
Cosplay as a form of exploration and expression!

          Yep, that's me from circa 2011 at Anime St. Louis!  This was the first time I wanted to cosplay, and let me say......I had no idea of what I was doing!  I mean seriously I don't even know what I was suppose to be!?  Like I had a wig, that red coat, and yeah....that's about it!  I seriously have no idea of what I was trying to go with......but the fact of the matter is little did I know, this was going to be the start of something very unique and euphoric for me gender wise.  I want to share with you my journey of my favorite cosplays, and let you in on my thoughts and feeling going into each one of these characters I dressed as.....except for that first picture here.....cause I literally had NO IDEA what I was thinking lol!  But, this is something I really do want to talk not whatever this cosplay was; I am talking about how cosplay is a form of exploration and expression.     Like I said, I had NO IDEA what or who was it I was trying to cosplay!  I m

Fucking Sexy Ass Consent!

 TW:  Sexual assault, harassment among other topics within that realm.  If you feel that tehre is a chance that you may be triggered or re-traumatized from the things that was just mentioned, just know you are under no obligations to read this post.  If you do choose to read, I will notify you with (TW ALERT) to let you know if a section is going to be talking more about it.  But like I said, no shame if this is too much for you!  You are OK!  Promise!     You know, I have a love/hate relationship with the anime Bleach.  I mean when I first watched it, I felt this was one of the best anime I have ever watched!  The lore, the Japanese culture, ALL of it was just sooooooooo GOOD!  However, the more I watched I gradually got annoyed.....and pissed because the focus was on the main character above the other characters.  I mean EVERYTHING kept coming back to the main character......even characters in which they were the focus, it was always back to Ichigo!!!!  ...look I can spend a LONG tim

What is Sex? Like Seriously WHAT is Sex?

     Like many I love Futurama!  It had a rough beginning, solid middle and an absolutely fantastic ending....until they decided to bring it back......but that's not the point!  In the season 3 episode " Where the Buggalo Roam" Kiff and Amy are laying on the ground making out, until they feel a rumble underneath them.  Amy says "What was that?!" and Kiff responds with "Maybe, we just made love?".  But it does not stop there, as at the end of the episode Amy embraces Kiff in a long kiss where there was another rumble of cow ladybugs running by because it's Futurama, and right after Kiff takes out his diary and writes the following:  "Dear Diary, I just made love for the second time!".  I'm not gonna lie that was so cute seeing him smile and feeling proud of himself!  However, to some people, they would not see what Kiff did as sex, which raises a really good question.  What is sex?  I am not talking philosophically what sex is, I am ta

Religious Sexual Repression part 1: The Friendly Demon!

 (TRIGGER WARNING:  Before going any further, this is going to talk about religion and some trauma associated with it.  If this is too much, you do NOT have to read this post, I know this can be a touchy subject for some, but no hate if you do not want to read this.)       Ok, so one day, I was on social media casually scrolling and procrastinating something I should be doing, until I saw this picture from Pizza Cake Comics!  My immediate reaction was laughing, I mean look at it, its funny!  Then I sat there for a good 10 minutes looking at this picture and laughed again saying "Holy shit.....this kinda became me"!  Then as I was driving to work while listening to music this comic kept popping up in my head making me think more about it, until I came to a realization; religion really did make me into a freaky person when it comes to sex!  Like seriously my kinks, interests as well as experiences were all because of religion; which is EXTREMELY weird to say, but I can explain

Persona and the Trans expierence!

           First and foremost, Happy Trans day of Visibility from your favorite non binary thembo!  This is an important day, because we as people who are trans or who fall under the trans umbrella deserve to been seen for who we are and not how others want to see us.  Everyday it can be a struggle as people will choose to misgender us, make laws trying to prevent us from existing and well...yeah it's a lot.  However, despite all that, we will never stop existing!  Our numbers will continue to grow and increase, then perhaps one day we can live in a society that treats us with respect and dignity.  Plus it would not hurt to take down bathroom companies; because gender was invented by BIG bathroom companies, to sell more bathrooms!        Aside from my batshit conspiracy theory, lets talk about the Persona games, yes?  I have played a plethora of role playing games aka rpg's, and no franchise has EVER had me sit down and do some introspective thinking like Persona!  On the surfa

Star Trek and Sex Positivity aka to boldly go where no one has gone before!

    At some point in life you may have had to sit in on the age old argument; Star Wars or Star Trek, which one is better?  There are people who will pick Star Wars I mean who could blame them, with all the marketing and advertising they do for their series and projects.  Yet, at the same there are people who pick Star Trek, because it's an older franchise with a well expanded universe along with its own timeless and memorable movies and TV series too.  Personally I feel like why not both, cause they are very different from each other (despite the fact I think Star Trek is better hahaha).  However, as I lay in bed something just popped in my mind.  Star Trek is VERY Sex Positive!!         Ever since its inception in 1966, this franchise has been a staple in the science fiction community!  I feel like the reason why is because it gives us a world where people can be accepted regardless of your gender identity, sexuality, or race!  Anyone and EVERYONE is welcomed into this world.  In