Having the best secret identity!


    Superheroes are awesome!  I mean they have super powers, they save the day and for the most part they are loved and adored by most people!  I mean yeah it probably does not pay much but it is a job that needs to be done and as long as you can do a good job and save many lives in the process, then that is what truly matters!  But you ever sit there and watch something with superheroes and question how is it that most people can never figure out their secret identity?

    Take Superman for example, him and Clark Kent look very similar yet no one can piece it together; now I know over the years they have made excuses like "He changes his posture and presentation to the point where no one realizes that it is him", or "People will not see him in Clark because it is not believable".  I feel like that is just plot armor to hide whom he is, and honestly it is a bit lame.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy DC and everything but there are some aspects that can be annoying.  Yet, sometimes when it comes to heroes we need to step beyond what we know, and embrace something different and unique!


    What you are seeing is Cybersix, she is a superhero from an Argentinean comic strip that was later adapted into a Saturday morning cartoon in 1999.

     She was this badass heroine who was clad in black leather fighting monsters and saving lives in the city of Meridiana!  She she was super strong, agile, and a great fighter!  Growing up I was instantly hooked on her because of this!  Yet, there was one key thing about her that REALLY stood out.


    This is Adrian Seidelman, he is a very serious and down to earth high school literature teacher....and Cybersix's secret identity!  I am not kidding, this is literally her secret identity, and it is absolutely awesome!

    I mean it is so awesome with how she can go from man to woman, and no one can suspect it!  In fact when I first watched the cartoon back then, I had a hard time believing it, hell I thought they were sibling or clones or something!  I never expected them to be the same person.  When I was young I wanted to be like her, being able to swap genders on the fly and just be as awesome as her!  But she did it so she could fight monsters and Nazi's( yes she is fighting Nazi's).  Looking back on this now, this show was absolutely progressive for its time, as it showed someone who could present as either man or woman whenever they felt like it.  And get this, no one complained about it!  No one said stuff like indoctrination or anything horrible.

Instead she was celebrated and served as an inspiration to people like me.  She is a reminder that you are who you are regardless of how you present.  Sometimes your gender can be binary or non-binary.  It is up to us to determine who we are and how we define our gender identity.  To quote a sticker I had on my dashboard "Be you, the world will adjust".


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