
Showing posts from March, 2024

Persona and the Trans expierence!

           First and foremost, Happy Trans day of Visibility from your favorite non binary thembo!  This is an important day, because we as people who are trans or who fall under the trans umbrella deserve to been seen for who we are and not how others want to see us.  Everyday it can be a struggle as people will choose to misgender us, make laws trying to prevent us from existing and well...yeah it's a lot.  However, despite all that, we will never stop existing!  Our numbers will continue to grow and increase, then perhaps one day we can live in a society that treats us with respect and dignity.  Plus it would not hurt to take down bathroom companies; because gender was invented by BIG bathroom companies, to sell more bathrooms!        Aside from my batshit conspiracy theory, lets talk about the Persona games, yes?  I have played a plethora of role playing games aka rpg's, and no franchise has EVER had me sit down and do some introspective thinking like Persona!  On the surfa

Star Trek and Sex Positivity aka to boldly go where no one has gone before!

    At some point in life you may have had to sit in on the age old argument; Star Wars or Star Trek, which one is better?  There are people who will pick Star Wars I mean who could blame them, with all the marketing and advertising they do for their series and projects.  Yet, at the same there are people who pick Star Trek, because it's an older franchise with a well expanded universe along with its own timeless and memorable movies and TV series too.  Personally I feel like why not both, cause they are very different from each other (despite the fact I think Star Trek is better hahaha).  However, as I lay in bed something just popped in my mind.  Star Trek is VERY Sex Positive!!         Ever since its inception in 1966, this franchise has been a staple in the science fiction community!  I feel like the reason why is because it gives us a world where people can be accepted regardless of your gender identity, sexuality, or race!  Anyone and EVERYONE is welcomed into this world.  In

The brain is the biggest sexual organ!

               I sit back and think of this one episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force where Carl meets John Kruk, a real life baseball player who kidnapped by by Chrysanthemum and the BJ Queen(yes, these really are their names) and made into a siren just like them.  At one point it is revealed that they engage in some VERY extreme BDSM sex acts, while singing about having GGG(Good, Giving, Game; don't you love this show!?) which Carl witnesses and questions.  Kruk says and in his words "Dude, it's so hot!  The biggest sexual organ is your brain, you know what I mean?".  Which really got me thinking, he is absolutely right! As we grow our minds are shaped with new experiences and impact how we view things.  An example of this would be growing up thinking if we ate a watermelon seed, a watermelon was going to grow in our stomachs and burst out of us.  Thus as we grow up we avoid eating the seed out of fear of that happening.  Yet, even though we can be exposed to logic and

Having the best secret identity!

      Superheroes are awesome!  I mean they have super powers, they save the day and for the most part they are loved and adored by most people!  I mean yeah it probably does not pay much but it is a job that needs to be done and as long as you can do a good job and save many lives in the process, then that is what truly matters!  But you ever sit there and watch something with superheroes and question how is it that most people can never figure out their secret identity?     Take Superman for example, him and Clark Kent look very similar yet no one can piece it together; now I know over the years they have made excuses like "He changes his posture and presentation to the point where no one realizes that it is him", or "People will not see him in Clark because it is not believable".  I feel like that is just plot armor to hide whom he is, and honestly it is a bit lame.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy DC and everything but there are some aspects that can be annoying