The Ultimate Trump card (No pun intended), Survive!

I can honestly say that I am a huge fan of Tokusatsu! If you don't know what that is, it's using tons of special effects in a T.V show or movie, but with a well written story! Like imagine a Michael Bay movie but it actually has a good plot! With that being said there's a particular Japanese Super Hero called Kamen Rider; a motorcycle riding super hero! There is one specific Kamen Rider series called Kamen Rider Ryuki, in it Kamen Riders Ryuki and Knight unlock a new form to help them defeat a powerful enemy, this form is called Survive. With it they unlock new abilities and gear that gives them the strength to stand against anyone who stands in their way. Plus I won't lie, it does look pretty cool when Ryuki goes into that form! Take a good look at this cause we now need to talk about a certain event that recently transpired and trust me, this will not be fun. Tuesday...