The Sexual(and soceital) Rebellion!

I don't know about you all but I am pretty excited and pumped for the remake of Ranma 1/2 coming out in October! I mean this anime/manga series has an amazing story that must be shared with EVERYONE! Now if you are familiar with this series you know the story, but lets say you have zero idea of what Ranma 1/2 is even about, allow me to explain! You see that guy with the black hair? That's Ranma Saotome, he is a skilled martial artist who is constantly pushing himself. One day him and his father were doing some extreme training near cursed pools of water because why not! Ranma gets knocked into a pool of water and is cursed, as a result anytime he is splashed with cold water, he becomes a woman(the one with the red hair), but if he is splashed with hot water he becomes a man again. Yet despite the hilarity that comes with this series, even though Ranma will look like a woman, ...